Friday, October 12, 2007

What's that I see....... that the light at the end of the tunnel? I think it is!!

What a week it has been. I posted last week about reaching milestones while recovering and how I was anxious to see what this week would bring. Several have indeed been reached, but more importantly I can see the end of what I've been calling my burn journey. Today I got in my car and went for a drive. A week and a half ago I was still sleeping in a rented hospital bed in our living room wondering what my leg was going to feel like when I could use it again. Did you hear me? I said I drove today!!!

This recovery period has cut into my fall photography season. Everyone wants photos in the fall. I have a list of about 15 people wanting pictures and my phone is still ringing. I was able to schedule my first appointment last Sunday....a newborn session with 11 day-old Paige. Photographing a new life was quite fitting for my first photo session in this new chapter of my own life.

Janay had the day off from work on Wednesday. We went out to lunch and then scouted out some new shooting locations for some upcoming high school senior photo sessions. Janay makes a wonderful model and I can only hope the seniors are half as pretty as her. I posted a couple of the photos on an internet photography forum I participate at and someone commented on how lucky I am that I have a wife who will pose for me. He's right, but it's not luck, it's love. I told him how much I love her, how beautiful I think she is and that I tell her both of those things often. Janay supports me in everything I do, including my fledgling photography business, and will do whatever it takes to help me succeed. I also told him the real reason she poses might be because she hopes my photography business will someday let her quit her job :) All I know is her beauty sure makes it hard to take a bad picture. During our outing I actually had a few hours that I forgot about my leg. Another milestone reached, but this one came unintentionally.

God continues to pour His favor out on us everyday. He has provided for our every need throughout this and will continue to do so no matter where life takes us. I can't stress enough how much the support we have received from family and friends has helped us through. God has big plans for Janay and I. We are excited to see what's around the corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt-Man & Janay,

Wow... what an awesome photo of you, Janay! You are so very beautiful! I am so glad that you all are reaching new heights to this journey you've been on. A lot of people forget to look at the beautiful views on the way up the journey... but once at the top, it sure takes your breath! Hugs to you both... love ya!!
Tami G. :)