Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Card Outtakes

Our annual Christmas photo is always interesting. Not the final product, but the actual production and effort involved to get one good picture of us. It's an interesting combination of fun, tension, laughter, frustration and love. Since we don't have children, we always want to get our cats in the picture. We've been successful once out of six years trying......and that was because my mom took the picture. Enjoy the 2007 outtakes.

I'm behind the camera setting things up. Sara, the boss of the house, decides to join the fun and show her best side.

Sara decides to behave and pose with Janay.....

Ummm.....nice focus

Try again.....

.....and again.....

.....maybe that bottle of wine would have been better after the shoot....

.....definitely should have waited.....

.....falling off the stool and unintentionally flipping the

.....Sprockett's ready to go back in for treats.....

.....maybe a new location will help.....note Sara still wanting to join the party.....

.....make up your own caption for this one because I don't have a clue what was happening.....

.....that's one painful looking pucker.....

.....looks like Janay is begging for treats.....

.....and finally, this one just missed the final cut.....

So there you have it.....Christmas Photo 2007 Outtakes. No people or animals were harmed and no wine was consumed. I can't wait to see what 2008 brings.

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