Thursday, March 13, 2008


......I've been on vacation from the blog for a month now. No reason....just felt like being quiet. My nephew Jesse has been on my mind quite a bit lately. March 10th was the two-year anniversary of his death. Death is never easy, but when it happens to someone so young and under such tragic circumstances it makes it that much harder.

Jesse had just turned one when Janay and I started dating. For some reason he was petrified of my black Reebok shoes. Needless to say, I exploited that fear every chance I got. He even went through a phase where he would scream if he saw my picture at Janay's parents house. They would have to put my picture face down when he was there. At some point he got over the fear of my shoes and my picture and actually came to like "Uncle Matt". Good ol' Uncle Matt even taught him how to make "face prints" in the sandbox. I still remember the smile on his face when he came up spitting sand after his first face print....and the scowl on Janay's mom's face when she found out :)

Jesse.....thanks for the memories.....I hope you are making face prints in Heaven.

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