Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Plan

So the plan for March is to incorporate some excercise into my routine. I've got the diet working, down 16lbs for February, so let's see what kind of results I can get adding excercise in. I've fired up the treadmill and cranked it to a blazing 0.5 mph to get the heart pumping. I wore the wrong shoes the first time on it and only lasted 5 minutes. The comfy shoes were slipped on the next time and the 10 minute mark was reached. Baby steps, steps.

Janay pulled the weight bench into my "studio" along with various weights for my lifting pleasure. My arms are aching as I type this. My trainer pushed me to limits I never thought was possible. With his help, the transformation has begun. The best part is.....he only accepts treats as payment. The photo below was taken during our initial consultation.

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