Saturday, February 2, 2008

Calm After the Storm

The storm was gone almost as soon as it arrived. I doubt if it lasted 10 minutes. Hail, rain and high winds pounded the house. I had just arrived home and was fixing something to eat. The lights flickered so I thought I should find a flashlight. As soon as I found the flashlight, the microwave beeped signaling that my baked potato was done and then everything went dark. Little did I know that we wouldn't have power again for 32 hours. Janay called me the next day at work to let me know our fence was damaged and a large spruce tree was uprooted. The fence is easily repairable. Loosing an old tree stinks :( It could have been worse.

We take electricity for granted. Flip a switch and the light comes on. Turn up the thermostat and get more heat. We are spoiled.....and I'm thankful for it.

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