Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In The Beginning........

Where do I begin? I suppose simple is the best way to begin. Most of you reading this know who I am and what I stand for. For those of you who don't.....once again.....where do I begin :)

My name is Matt and I live in Martinsville Indiana. I married the love of my life, Janay, in 1996. The name of this blog comes from me having to use a wheelchair. In 1995 I sustained a spinal cord injury racing motocross. Talk about a life changing event! I can honestly say that many aspects of my life are better today because of that accident. I committed my life to Jesus Christ soon after the accident. Had the accident not happened, maybe I still would have done that at some point. But I can look back now and see I was headed towards a path of self-destruction. If I had nothing else to be thankful for from that accident in 1995, giving my life to Christ would be worth it. All of the other positives are just a bonus!

Don't get me wrong, I'm often frustrated because I can't physically do things I would like to and just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I'm perfect. Christianity helps me to recognize those imperfections, do what I can to remove the blemishes and be thankful for what I have been given. Some things are just too big for our minds to comprehend. That's when faith kicks in and I give my worries to God and trust He will take care of them.

This brings me to my original intention for creating this blog. Many of you know that I was badly burned on April 23, 2006. I have sent out update e-mails to everyone in my e-mail address book to keep friends and family current on my condition and for prayer requests. My plan is to use this blog as a way to keep people up to date. Sometimes I feel like a "spammer" sending out those mass e-mails. This blog will allow those of you who want to know how I'm doing a way to quickly check without me having to send my "spam" e-mails. For those of you new to my "burn journey", a photo journal of my past year can be seen here . Below is a picture of me on the trike that burned me.
Who knows where else I might go with this. That's the cool thing about a blog. It can be whatever you want it to be. Being a photographer, I'm sure I'll be including photos in many of my posts. The post could be daily, weekly, who knows. Comments can be left after each post, so feel free to do so. Thanks for reading, thanks for listening and thanks for the prayers.

Yes, that was the simple version :)


Dan said...

I used to use this domain ( and I used it as a blog about bicycles, rants, politics and general bitching about my life.

I have to say you're using it for a much better use.

What else can I say? Stay positive...well, I'm guilty of going against that advice more often than not. How about, keep on living? Then again, what do we do when death seems the better option? Or maybe, focus on the good. But what happens when the good gets obscured by the overwhelming bad?

In the end, no one has good advice, only sympathy. When it comes down to it, do yourself a favor and listen to yourself. It sounds like you've already done that, and it takes a strength most never find in themselves. Good for you.

Anyway, I hope this finds you well. I'll be reading.


Drew said...

Looks like a good start to the blog Matt. Have fun with it, I know I have.

Anonymous said...

I'm still praying for you & your bio on the main page really touched me. You are truly a fighter. Keep trusting in God.

Anonymous said...

Matt, God has truly gifted you with the ability to write. You amaze me. I'm so blessed to be your wife AND best friend!

Your Adoring Wife,

Anonymous said...

Matt, your growing list of skills and talents is awesome. Music, photography, and now writing! Indeed, God has blessed you in so many ways, and using the blog to further your story will no doubt be another testimony of His goodness and grace. You are truly an inspiration - and I am touched every time I read more about your journey of faith. To be honest, I think there's a "book" rolling around in your head just waiting to be published. And the blog is a great way to start. Keep the faith, dude. You're an amazing man of God.